Please make sure you have reviewed the information below prior to submitting your application.


Artist Name(Required)
Please enter it exactly as it is, or how it will be listed, on your City of Seattle Business License.
If accepted into the Fair, we will display your business on our website,
City of Seattle Business License Number(Required)
A City of Seattle Business License is required for all businesses operating within the city. If you do not have one, you will need a Trade Show License. The Alki Art Fair will obtain you a Trade Show License for a $33 fee per vendor if you are accepted into the event. This charge will appear on your final invoice.
The UBI is a 9-digit number (example: 123456789) issued by Washington State. If you do not have a UBI, you can get one at **THERE IS NO CHARGE for a temporary WA business license.**

Please copy and paste the URL directly from Facebook.
Please copy and paste the URL directly from Instagram.


Select the category that best reflects your art or craft. If none apply, please select Other.
If you chose Other above, please provide a brief description of the Art Medium(s) you use. Note that you will need to use the Food Vendor Application if your craft involves pre-packaged food.
IMPORTANT - Please read the following guidance for the photos you provide and adhere to the directions. Applications that do not will be rejected.

• Applicants must submit 3 images of your art/product and one of your booth/display set-up.
• Submitted images should be a minimum 1,000 x 1,000px.
• Max file size is 3MB.
• JPG/JPEG and PDF files are preferred.
• File names MUST include the name of your business (example: BusinessName_Booth.jpg). PLEASE RENAME YOUR PHOTOS BEFORE UPLOADING.

NOTE: The Alki Art Fair may also review your website and social accounts for other photo options. If accepted, Alki Art Fair may display photos on our website for Fair promotional activities.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.
Please provide a brief bio about your business, the medium used and how your work is produced (1000 characters max).
Please share the price range of your goods and offerings.


Please select the type of booth you want.(Required)
Please let us know if you have a location preference (i.e. in the grass or on the seawall, near the Alki Bathhouse or on the far end of the Fair promenade). If accepted into the Fair, we will try our best to accommodate your request, but it is not guaranteed.


Please carefully read the information below before agreeing to our terms and conditions regarding your application and participation in the Alki Art Fair. You will be asked to submit your electronic signature at the bottom of this Participation Agreement.
Original Work Agreement. All art work sold and displayed in a booth during the Alki Art Fair will be original, handcrafted work, designed and created by the applicant.
Business License. Applicants have verified that their City of Seattle Business License number and/or Washington State UBI submitted above are correct and valid.
Photos. The Alki Art Fair reserves the right to use any submitted photos of artwork and booths in future advertising and promotional activities.
Liability. The Alki Art Fair will not be responsible for any loss or damage to a vendor’s property, injury to, or death of the vendor (or its employees, representatives, and contractors), or vendor sales. Vendor expressly assumes all risks of loss, damage, liability, injury, or destruction resulting from any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to acts or omissions by Vendor, the Fair, or acts of nature, and hereby releases and waives any claims against the Alki Art Fair (and its employees, representatives, and contractors) related to such loss, damage, liability, injury, and/or destruction.
Payment. If accepted into the Alki Art Fair, applicants will receive an invoice for the above selected booth fee on or around 4/4/25 and, if applicable, a Trade Show License Fee. Applicants are required to pay invoices by 5/5/25; otherwise, their spot may be offered to an artist on the waitlist.
Seattle Parks and Recreation 10% Fee. Seattle Parks and Recreation requires an additional fee per booth: $30 or 10% of gross sales (whichever is greater). This fee is required for any sales on Seattle Parks and Recreation property. Each applicant must pay this fee to the Alki Art Fair Treasurer before the conclusion of the Fair.
Cancellations. The Alki Art Fair will proceed regardless of the weather. Any applicant who cancels prior to June 1st will receive a refund (minus a 15% service fee).
City of Seattle Parks User Agreement. All applicants are required to read and agree to City of Seattle Parks User Agreement.

Participation Agreement Acknowledgement(Required)
By checking the box below and by submitting this application, I agree to the terms and conditions outlined above in the Participation Agreement.


PayPal Email Address(Required)
Is the email address on your PayPal account the same as the email address you provided above under Business Information?
If the email for your PayPal account differs from the contact email you listed above, please provide the email address associated with your PayPal account.
When you click "Submit" below, it may take several seconds to be redirected to PayPal. Please do NOT click the Submit button twice.

You can checkout as a guest. When the PayPal payment page appears, scroll down and select "Pay with Debit/Credit Card."

If you are uncomfortable using PayPal, please email for alternate arrangements.